Acerca de
To provide an opportunity for professionals performing similar functions in Municipal Government to liaise with and offer support to other individuals in similar capacities.
To collectively lobby for legislative improvements within our areas of jurisdiction.
To pursue educational opportunities to facilitate the enhancement of members' knowledge.
To liaise with groups and organizations having a role in local government administration.
Membership Categories​
Active Membership
All ​persons currently employed to fulfill some or all of the functions of a City Clerk as provided for in The Cities Act. This shall include City Clerks, Assistant City Clerks, Deputy City Clerks, Legislative Corporate Services, other employees of the Urban Municipality, which the Clerk or designate may wish to include, and other comparable municipal officials. All Members in good standing as provided for in Section 3 – Membership Fees – shall have the right to hold office and vote on all matters presented to the Association
Associate Membership​
Persons employed to fulfill similar duties with Urban Municipalities (large Towns) that have not obtained City status.
Designate from UMAAS.
Returning Officers and Election Officials.
Employees from the Department responsible for municipal affairs.
Persons from outside of the Province of Saskatchewan who are currently employed as City Clerks, Assistant City Clerks, Deputy City Clerks, Legislative and Corporate Services or any other employees as may be designated to perform similar functions.
Associate members will have the right to attend a portion of all meetings and functions of the Association, but shall not hold office in the Association nor vote on matters brought before the Association.
Honourary Membership​​
Minister responsible for municipal affairs
Other individual who has made a significant contribution to the aims and objectives of the Association, however, does not otherwise qualify for a membership.
Honourary Membership is granted upon approval by a resolution passed at a meeting of the Association.
Honourary members shall have the right to attend a portion of all meetings and functions of the Association, but shall not hold office in the Association nor vote on matters brought before the Association.
Life Membership
Awarded to any member in good standing who retires from the profession or changes duties or careers after ten (10) years.
Life membership is granted upon approval by the Executive Committee.
Life members shall have the right to attend a portion of all meetings and functions of the Association, but shall not hold office in the Association nor vote on matters brought before the Association.
Membership Conditions
Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so on written notice to the Secretary-Treasurer.
A member may be expelled from membership for any cause, which the Association may deem reasonable upon a unanimous vote of the Association.
Membership Fees
Membership shall be conditional upon the annual membership fee being paid, which fee shall be set by the membership at any meeting where the item has been placed on the agenda.
Annual membership fees shall be for the period January 1st to December 31st of each year.
The annual membership fee is due and payable no later than May 1st of any given year.
There shall be no pro-rating of fees.
Fees are as Follows:
1st Active Member from each City $100.00
Each Additional Active Member from each City $50.00
Associate Member $0.00
Life Member N/C
As amended May 6, 2010
A member in good standing may invite a guest to attend any of the Association’s meetings, for either a portion or the whole meeting, as the agenda dictates.
Guests attending on a regular basis will be encouraged to prescribe to the appropriate membership category.
1. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association and shall consist of:
Vice President
Director at Large
Past President
2. Term of Office
Each officer shall be elected for a two (2) year term, elected by the membership at the Fall meeting of the Association in even numbered years.
3. Duties of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have full control and management of the business and affairs of the Association, subject to the Bylaws or directions given to it by a majority vote at any general meeting.
The Executive Committee shall transact the business of the Association, including policy matters, arrange meetings of the Association, study and refer matters of interest to the Association, and perform other duties as may be required to fulfill the Association's goals and objectives.
A. President
The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.
The President shall, at each general meeting, report on the activities of the Association and matters of interest to members.
B. Vice President
The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President during his/her absence or inability.
C. Secretary-Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies of the Association, undertake all banking functions, account for all revenues and expenditures and provide an annual financial statement for consideration by the Membership.
The host community will endeavour to provide clerical services, record all of the Association’s decisions and invoice the Association for the costs incurred in this regard.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide safekeeping of all Association records.
D. Director at Large
The Director at Large shall assist the Executive Committee in the day-to-day operations of the Association, as well as in special projects, as may be required.
E. Past-President
The Past - President shall assist the Executive Committee in day-to-day operations of the Association, as well as in special projects, as may be required, providing continuity and background information to the Executive Committee.
4. Meetings
Two (2) general meetings will be scheduled for each calendar year, being a Spring and Fall meeting.
The spring meetings will alternate between north and south communities, in the following rotation, whenever possible, with a decision on the date and location of the meeting to be made at the fall meeting immediately prior.
The fall meetings will alternate between Saskatoon and Regina whenever possible, with a decision on the date and location of the meeting to be made at the spring meeting immediately prior.
Notwithstanding this, the President shall call additional meetings at his/her discretion or at the request of three (3) Active members in good standing.
A quorum shall be a majority of cities, that is, one-half (½) of the cities holding membership, plus one (1).
Prince Albert (2010)
Swift Current (2011)
Humboldt (2012
Weyburn (2013)
Yorkton (2014)
Lloydminster (2015)
Estevan (2016)
Melfort (2017)
Melville (2018)
North Battleford (2019)
Moose Jaw (2020)
Martensville (2021
Swift Current (2022)
Prince Albert (2023)
Weyburn (2024)
Meadow Lake (2025)
5. Signing Officers
The signing officers for the Association shall be any two of the following three Executive Members. The President, Vice-President and the SecretaryTreasurer.
6. Member Recognition
A. Retiring/Departing Members
Retiring/departing members of the Association shall be recognized with life membership awarded at a meeting, along with a retirement gift as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
B. Long Service Members
Long Service Members of the Association who have provided at least ten (10) years of service to the Association shall be recognized with a Professionally inscribed plaque recognizing their service as a Professional in the Association.
C. Other Awards
Awards or gifts for the recognition of dedicated service or special achievements shall be presented as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
D. Death while in Office
In recognition of service rendered to a Municipality and the Association, a member who dies while holding office will be commemorated as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
E. Death of Previous Member
The death of a previous member shall be recognized by the Association as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
1 to 5 Years Service $50.00
6 to 10 Years Service $75.00
Over 10 Years Service $100.00
7. Bylaws
The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of Active members at any duly called meeting of the Association.
The Association Bylaws of October 13, 2005 are hereby repealed.
Adopted this 30th day of April, 2009.
____________________________ ____________________________
President Secretary-Treasurer